Enrolment and registration process
Qualifications for admission to the bachelor’s courses
All Italian and foreign citizens in possession of a 2nd level secondary school diploma recognised as suitable (including four-year diplomas - MIUR note no. 1256 of 22-5-2003). Foreign students who hold technical or professional high school diplomas that, according to the regulations of their country of origin, do not allow enrollment in certain degree courses, unless they have passed supplementary examinations or complementary courses, may not enroll if their qualification does not give direct access, in their country of origin, to a degree course corresponding to the one for which enrollment is requested.
Qualifications for admission to the master’s courses / 1st level academic master / 2nd level academic master
All the Italian and foreign citizens who are in possession of a recognised Bachelor's degree.
The enrollment of students in possession of a qualification obtained abroad is subject to compliance with the requirements provided for in the previous points and the possession of at least 12 (twelve) years of schooling. The qualification must be issued by the competent educational body and duly translated, legalized and accompanied by a declaration of value issued by the Italian diplomatic representation abroad with territorial jurisdiction, or ENIC/NARIC certificate of comparability issued by CIMEA.
Online registration
- You must register with the eCampus University institutional Portal.
- At the end of the procedure, the system will display a summary of the registration data, along with the (confidential!) credentials (namely a username and a password). We recommend that you print them and keep them in a safe place.
- Click on the “ACCESS” button to connect to the Login page; then use the credentials that you have just received(namely, a username and a password) to log in to the Portal.
PLEASE NOTE: it takes a few minutes for the credentials received during registration to become active (the time it takes systems to synchronize).
At this point, you must fill in the online enrollment application.
Attention: if this is your first enrolment, check that you have all the information on your higher education qualification.
If this is your first Enrolment (in any Italian university), please check that you have:
- your Tax code
- the information relating to your Secondary education qualification
If you have enrolled in any Italian university in the past, aside from the documents mentioned above, you must have:
- the data of your first enrolment (date and university)
- the information on your university qualification, if you have one
If you have all this information, you can proceed with online enrollment.
Once you have completed the online matriculation procedure, the system will allow you to print your "Matriculation Application" already filled in (you can eventually manually integrate the parts that are not pre-filled) to be signed and to be integrated both with the documents indicated on the first page and with the Supplementary Documentation, duly dated and signed on every page, where required. You will then need to send it.
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